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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

UAP Insurance Tanzania launching two new products:UAP JIKINGE & UAP FAMILY KINGA

DSC_1783Catherine Joshua Assistant Claims Manager UAP Insurance Tanzania (cnt) during the conference with media (not in picture). message about the launch of their two products UAP Jikinge and UAP Family Kinga. In (left) Mr. Raymond Komanga Business Development Manager UAP and Right is Michael Itimu Kiruti General Manager Operations UAP.
Dar es Salaam, Today UAP Tanzania one of the leading Insurance Company announces the launch of their two products namely, UAP Jikinge and UAP Family Kinga.
UAP who are preferred insurance services provider offer a range of comprehensive and affordable personal accident covers which are 24 hours worldwide under Jikinge and Family Kinga.
Speaking at the launch, UAP Business Development Manager Mr. Raymond Komanga had this to say about Jikinge and Family Kinga products, “UAP Jikinge is a personal accident insurance cover. UAP JIKINGE provides cover in the event that one sustains injury or death as a result of an accident. It is a 24 hour cover worldwide and it covers all sort of accidents with the main benefits like Accidental death, Disability, Hospital Cash, Medical Expenses Reimbursement, Artificial appliances and Funeral Expenses.”
DSC_1726Mr. Raymond Komanga, Business Development Manager UAP Speaking to media (not in picture) during the launch of their two products namely, UAP Jikinge and UAP Family Kinga.
Mr. Komanga continued by saying that “Apart from Jikinge we have Family Kinga which is same as Jikinge, the only difference is that Family Kinga accident insurance cover is for a Family while Jikinge is for oneself accidental insurance cover. With Family Kinga accident insurance, any member of the family including you who is covered under this policy sustains injury or death as a result of an accident. The insurance covers all sorts of accidents 24 hour and it is worldwide”.
Mr. Komanga explained further that “In truth nobody really wants to think about getting sick or dying, but life is full of unexpected events and protecting your family with life assurance is one of the most important financial decisions you can make. It means your family could get a lump sum if you die or become seriously ill, or you could receive an income if you are unable to work because of an illness or injury.
This could help to maintain your standard of living and make sure that your children could have all the opportunities you’d love them to have, such as going to universities. These insurances are for all including Politicians, Bodaboda Riders, Mama Lishes, and Sportsmen etc”.
DSC_1763Michael Itimu Kiruti General Manager Operations UAP show their two products UAP Jikinge and UAP Family Kinga during the press conference with media (not in picture).
Mr Komanga expounded that both Jikinge and Family Kinga accident insurance covers
  • Accidental Death
  • Permanent Disability as a result of accident.
  • Cash payment up to the provided limit, upon admission to hospital
  • Temporary total disability resulting in loss of income
  • Medical expenses as a result of an accident
  • Purchase of artificial Appliances such as clutches
  • Payment of final benefit for purposes of organizing funeral expenses.
Mr. Komanga concluded by pleading to Tanzanians to start the habit of insuring their families and reminded those with young families that the cost of supporting them for the next 10 to 15 years is very high. This is made harder by the fact that at this age, most people have not accumulated a substantial asset base from which their families could benefit and draw from.
DSC_1765In Picture: From (Left) is Ally Athumani Underwriting Manager UAP, Raymond Komanga Business Development Manager UAP (Cnt) and Catherine Joshua Assistant Claims Manager UAP Insurance Tanzania (right) listen the question from journalist...during the conference with media (not in picture). UAP Tanzania today July 29, launch of their two products UAP Jikinge and UAP Family Kinga.

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