Every Child Belongs in School There are 45 million children in Africa who desperately want to go to school, but can't. Their families simply don't have the money – so these children must find other ways to spend their days.
"Sisters" is a film about one of those children.
At the age of 14, Afisha was forced to drop out of school when her parents betrothed her to an older man. Her husband-to-be is uneducated, so Afisha fears that she will live in poverty forever.
Now she sits idle, worrying about the future, waiting for her wedding day.
Is this the life for a child of 14?
Today Camfed is launching "Every Child Belongs in School," a campaign about the injustice of educational exclusion. Each week during the next month, we will share a new short film about a child who is unable to attend school.
Our goal this Christmas season is to send 1,000 children like Afisha back to school and change their futures. Will you help? Start now by watching this film, and then share it with friends.
Learn more: http://us.camfed.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sisters
Thank you so much.
Ryan and the Camfed team
PS: Just 29 days left to unlock $100,000 for girls education. If there was a time to share our cause and film, it would be now!
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